You will agree with this agreement after using and accessing this website. Before using the website, read the terms and conditions with proper care and attention. Don’t use the website if you disagree with the terms and conditions.
According to clause 3.1, to form a binding contract in the jurisdiction you are staying in, you must be of the minimum required legal age. In some jurisdictions, the minimum legal age is 18. If you are under the age of 13, you shouldn’t register at the website and try to have access. You can use the website according to clause 3.1 if your age is under the minimum legal age to get a contract according to the jurisdiction in which you stay, but if and only if you are under your parent’s or guardians’ supervision.
1. Statements and Definitions
In these terms and conditions of use:
A: Agreements
According to the agreement, the terms and conditions are any other terms or privacy policies integrated by references in the terms and conditions. According to clause g, that might be changed or altered from time to time in every case.
B: Content for Users
There is no access to any information, and any content from you is granted to a third-party Website. All the content and information available on the website is accessible to you.
C: Contributions of Users
Under this Agreement, allows you to share, publish, host, store, and publish information like data, including still images, videos, texts, audios, and other types of information.
D: Non-excludable Condition
Non-excludable condition is mentioned in clause no 11.
E: Other User Contributions
The material that has allowed other users to share, post, publish, and store. The host includes the information of texts, audio clips, videos, photos, and different types of data.
F: Third Party Website
It means that the
Website controlled by a person other than and which is linked to the Website; and
H: Website
The website of can be accessed through the URL
2. Guaranteed Licence
Subject to the agreement of terms and conditions, to access and use the website, the users of are granted non-exclusive and non-transferable access to the Website. You will be able to retrieve, view, and display the Content on the website.
3. Permission of Use
A: You can access the Website to retrieve, view, and display the Content.
B: You will be able to make Contributions.
C: You will be able to save the parts of the content in soft form.
D: you will also be able to save the content in the printed-out form.
4. Prohibition of the Following Uses
A: You must not adapt, communicate, and publish any available data or information on the website.
B: You cannot keep different copies of all the available content on the website. There is one exception, and that is if you need it for personal use, and it should not be commercial.
C: You are not allowed to make any contribution that has any commercial material or material that contains any advertisements, such as messages, logos within contain reviews, promotional links, usernames, discussions, and profile photos.
D: you can’t change and add any information or data in any part or section of the website. The exception, in this case, is if it is essential.
E: you are not permitted to change the website like translations, adaptations, reverse engineering, decompiling, and disassembling.
F: it is strictly prohibited to corrupt, degrade or disrupt the Website, introduce a virus directly or indirectly, or Trojan any item or code on the website that has a harming and destructive nature.
G: It is forbidden to alter or remove the copyright, management information, trademark, proprietary rights, and electronic rights without knowledge.
H: You can’t index and recover any part of the Website using a spider, site search application, and robot.
I: Whatever the purpose is, you cannot collect any data or information about the website or any other users using the website. The data can be email addresses and usernames.
J: You can’t alter and frame any Web pages on the website.
K: It is not allowed to create an account for fraudulent purposes.
L: You are not allowed to do anything like unwanted electronic communications (spams) to the other people using the website and disturbing their enjoyment.
M: The following activities are strictly forbidden. Cracking passwords, violating other people’s security and electronic system privacies, encryption codes, and transfer/storage of illegal information, specifically the ones that can be threatening.
N: You can’t carry out any activity on the website that would put a significant load on the IT infrastructure of
O: You can’t use the website to do something that will break and violate any international or national law
P: As described in para 4, you can’t store information and data or other users to use it in forbidden activities.
4.4. despite clause 4.1, allows, except for the caches and archives of data on the website, other search engines to copy material from the Website using spiders and recovery applications to make it publicly available.
5. Contributions and Benefactions
5.1 can allow you to make Contributions. Contributions that you will make should be only for personal, non-commercial purposes. You will hold on to your sole responsibility and accept all Accountability and responsibility for your Contributions. disowns any accountability in connection with Contributions. suppose no responsibility for keeping a check on any Contributions. will not countersign any information in Contributions, including any opinion, recommendation or advice expressed. Ajmanproperties. ae is under no obligation to treat your Contributions as confidential and personal information.
5.2 Without any accountability, can alter or disable access to any or all your Contributions at its sole discretion without notifying you. Without the limitation of the previous sentence, Ajmanproperties. ae can remove or disable our access to any or all your Contributions.
If and only if:
A: these Contributions violate any law or regulation.
B: if these Contributions breach the intellectual property rights of any third party.
C: it is mandatory for a regulatory body or a relevant authority to interlude or takedown final notice.
D: if the Contributions have advertising or marketing.
E: those Contributions are:
(i) Deceptive and misleading.
(ii) For the purpose of the website, it is inappropriate.
(iii) can cause offense.
(iv) have incorrect material.
(v) salacious
(vi) defaming
(vii) in case they are unlawful
(viii) because of the presence of a virus and disabling code, they get corrupted.
5.3 You will hold on to your ownership rights of yours in the Contributions. will be under no allegations to deal with your Contributions as proprietary information.
To the extent that any Contributions are proprietary, you grant a worldwide, nonexclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, transferable, and irrevocable license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, translate, distribute, publish, create derivative works from and display and publicly perform your Contributions overall the world in any media, whether currently in existence or not. You can also grant users of the Website a non-exclusive license to use, reproduce, adapt, translate, distribute, prepare derivative works of, display and perform your Contributions allowed by under this Agreement.
5.4 You allow to use your registered name or the name you submit with the Contribution and the right to represent.
A: you will control and own the rights of Contributions.
B: Including all necessary licenses, rights, consents, and permissions, you have the right to use and authorize to display the Contributions as Content.
5.5 You have to declare, for the Contribution in which you have moral rights;
A: You will not require any personal and identifying information in connection with the up-gradation of Contribution.
B: Agree that you don’t object to deletion and exploitation, publication, use, and modification Contribution by
C: Your denunciation and agreement with not asserting any entitlement to any moral rights in any Contribution.
D: you take back claims from that you can press charges against for moral rights.
5.6 You must understand that you might be exposed to Other User Contributions when accessing the Website. You must know and agree that don’t control and will not be held accountable for Other User Contributions. You release Ajmanproperties. ae from any assert that you could press charges against relating to or connected with Other User Contributions.
6. Local Expert Program by
Points and rewards will be awarded to the users for some activities to recognize contributions on the website. The benefit of it is that it will improve the user’s ranking.
A: Points can’t be converted into cash and are just a measuring method by
B: According to members’ points, will rum competitions from time to time.
C: Only eligible contributors will be awarded points.
D: has the right to change the points and their allocation according to the eligibility of contributions.
E: Without any accountability, the points can be canceled by if notices any infringement of the agreement.
F: Any activity that deceptively impacts the point’s allocation of any member is prohibited from being engaged with and can lead to the removal of points and rewards.
G: the points and rewards allocation will be subject to taxes, charges, or other liabilities. You will have to accept all the responsibility for these types of penalties.
H: You can’t combine and pool points with other users.
I: Points can’t be purchased by you.
7. User's Intellectual Property Rights
You will have to agree that the content's copyright and other intellectual property rights except for the Contributions made by you will be owned by and licensed to Except for the rights mentioned in clauses 2, 3, and 5, nothing in this Agreement grants you any right to title or interest in the Content.
8. Warranties for Users
You will have to warrant and represent:
A: the Content will only be used according to clause 3.
B: only accurate information is provided on registration.
C: If any of that information is changed, you will have to notify by writing the changes.
D: your use of the Website will comply with this Agreement and any directions published from time to time by on the Website.
E: you will keep your username and password confidential and secret, which gives you access to the Website.
F: You must accept the accountability for unauthorized use of any username and password.
G: Including the licenses, rights, consents, and permissions to use and authorize. You will have the right to display your Contributions as Content, and will allow it.
H: You will not make any Contributions that:
I: if any intellectual property rights of a third party are violated, you will have to pay fees or other compensations.
If and only if:
(i) Deceptive and misleading.
(ii) For the website, it is inappropriate.
(iii) can offend.
(iv) have incorrect material.
(v) salacious
(vi) defaming
(vii) in case they are unlawful
(viii) because of the presence of a virus and disabling code, they get corrupted.
9. Alterations in the Agreement
9.1 has the right to change the terms of the Agreement.
A: If consider that the change will benefit you and cause a lot of detrimental impact on you, then can make changes without prior notice.
B: If considers that the alteration will have a detrimental effect on you, the change will be made after the 30 days notification by displaying a notice on the website’s homepage.
If you do not accept a change made by to the terms of this Agreement, your only remedy (except as set out elsewhere in this Agreement) is to immediately:
A: Your access to the Website will be ceased.
B: Eliminate or end your registration after notifying
10. Websites of Third Parties
You concede that you can and might access third-party websites from the Website. You will have to agree with that:
A: has no Accountability for you to rise and form a connection with any other Third-party and the information you can and might collect from the Third Party.
B: Your activities on the Third-Party Website will have nothing to do with They will be governed by them, not us.
11. Hyperlinks
You will be allowed to create a limited, non-exclusive text hyperlink to the Website for non-commercial purposes only.
If and only if.
(a) its products and services are inappropriate, misleading, and defamatory.
(b) A link with illegal, wrong, misleading, and adult material, or data that can be harmful, harassing, has pornography, or ethically offensive.
11.2 can rescind the limited right at any time.
You are allowed to use the logo of or another graphic that is a proprietary graphic of to link to the Site without the written permission of
12. Elimination of Implicit Warranties
Rather than representing hereunder, expresses no Warranties. According to this Agreement, all Warranties, those without limitations and implied Warranties of merchantability, the purpose of fitness, and hereunder disclaimed.
12.2 There is no such thing in the agreement that might limit the application or eliminate the application of a provision of any statute, so,
A: infringe that statute; or
B: breach causes any part of this Agreement.
13. Insurance
You have to agree to reimburse and hold its subordinates and affiliates, including the officers, agents, partners, and employees. Including the fee of attorney, rising or in connection with the use and access to the Website or being a helping hand to the Content not by these terms against any loss, Accountability claim and demand.
14. No Warranty for Functionality and Availability
There is no guarantee about the availability and functionality of the Website by By the applicable law, the maximum extent allowed, all Accountability is eliminated by In the contract, TORT includes any negligence or else.
A: Rising from any failure in functionality or availability of the Website.;
B: Rising with the connection or terms of third parties.
C: From any conditions that can’t control.
15. Limited Accountability
15.1 Under no circumstances, in any way connected with this agreement and the website will you be liable to any third party or you for incidental, exemplary, indirect, or punitive damage. It will include the lost profit, loss of revenue, losses of profit, capital loss, or any reputation damage, loss of savings, lost contracts, and damaged benefits. Despite anything contrary therein, total Accountability with you for any action, regardless of anything, will be restricted to $100.00.
15.2 can release any personal and confidential data and information about you if it mitigates the liability.
16. Elimination can eliminate and terminate the Agreement anytime for you if you.
A: contravention of any clause section and clauses 4, 5, and 8. If you use the Content without a license, or
B: violation of any other section of this Agreement and if will not retrieve the breach within 14 days of notice by that you have done a violation.
17. Various Governing Laws and Disputes
17.1 The law of the state of Ajman governs this Agreement. You submit to the jurisdiction (non-exclusive) of the courts of Ajman UAE.
17.2 If you interact with other users on the website, you are doing so at your own risk. is under no obligation to resolve and keep a check on your disputes with other users using the website.
18. Controls of US Exports
The availability of software connected to the software is subjected to the US controls of Exports. There should be no violation of the US Export laws by downloading software from the Website. If you download the software, you will be doing it at your own risk.
19. Assignments can allocate the rights according to this Agreement with its caution without taking consent before. You can’t give any of your rights without informing and taking prior permission from
20. Complete Agreement
The agreement will
A: to its subject matter; the complete agreement between groups.
B: with that subject, all agreements and representations in the connection will be replaced.
21. Severity
If any section and part included in the agreement is illegal, then it will be removed, and the rest of the contract and its features will remain the same and will be continued.
22. Renunciation never denounces a right, remedy, and power in this Agreement if it does not exercise a right or fails to power or cure. A single administration remedy or a partial exercise of a request will not prevent any other right, treatment, or authority. It must be in proof of writing or signed by
If you have any queries about the terms and conditions of this Agreement, you can contact us at